Issued Date :2024-07-27
Expiration Date :2022-10-05

This is to certify that the DUNS Number of 'Fine TNC'
is 68-859-8632 and confirm the company profile
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Company name Fine TNC D-U-N-S® Number 68-859-8632
Affiliated Group ¼¼Å¹Çùȸ Company Condition Closeout
President(CEO) Lee, Hyun Yong Type Private Company
Tax Registration No. 305-15-74148 Incorporation No.
Established Date 2002-07-01 No. of Employees 10
SIC 2843 Industry Name Surface active agents
Telephone 82-7042352395 Fax 82-7088079206
Address 127 Myeonghaksandan-ro, Yeondong-myeon, Sejong, 30068, Republic of Korea 
Website Nationality Republic of Korea