Issued Date :2024-07-27
Expiration Date :2019-11-28

This is to certify that the DUNS Number of 'TMC TECH Co.,Ltd.'
is 69-404-9440 and confirm the company profile
Company name TMC TECH Co.,Ltd. D-U-N-S® Number 69-404-9440
Affiliated Group Company Condition Normal
President(CEO) Choi, Woon Tae Type General Corporation
Tax Registration No. 609-86-06858 Incorporation No. 194211-0201541
Established Date 2012-06-21 No. of Employees 11
SIC 3714 Industry Name Mfg of Chip Briquetting Auto M/C and Other Auto Equipments
Telephone 82-552855624 Fax 82-552855644
Address 49 Yeondeok-ro 15beon-gil, Seongsan-gu, Changwon, Gyoengnam, 51571, Republic of Korea 
Website Nationality Republic of Korea